Lho'a Taali

  • name pronunciation Loh • uh — Tah • lee

  • alias Tally

  • race Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon

  • gender Male [he/they]

  • age Adult

  • height Average

  • build Muscular, broad-shouldered

  • birthplace Black Shroud

  • occupation Travelling bard, merc scout, petty thief, conartist, poacher

  • marital status Bonded

  • sexuality Pansexual


Faded green hair frames sage grey features, peridot eyes gleaming brightly under thick brows. A curled lip reveals elongated Keeper fangs that Lho'a flashes often in wide smiles and sinister grins, though it's his scowl that's truly impressive.He's muscular with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, often attired in earthy tones and clothes that promote easy movement. A short bobtail peeks out from under his garments, a far cry from the luxurious tails of his kin, though equally expressive with his moods.He carries himself with the ease of a man well acquainted with his surroundings. Here is a wanderer that's travelled the length and breadth of the city-states and beyond in search of fame and fortune. Lho'a is always armed with either a favored bow or a hidden dagger. Judging by the state of his weapons, he takes great care of his belongings.

TLDR: Broad, muscular, with narrow waist, and bobtail. Faded green hair, sage green skin, peridot eyes. Always carries a bow or dagger.


Poachers are no uncommon sight under the boughs of the Twelveswood, and Lho'a was no exception. His clan was a thorn in the sides of every Wood Wailer unfortunate enough to cross paths with them as they attempted to carve their piece of the Shroud for themselves in order to survive. Gridania, naturally, did not take kindly to their presence, though their numbers were never great enough that they were deemed a bigger threat than the others.When he wasn't participating in illegal fur trades, he was a notorious highwayman robbing caravans and lone travelers for all of their valuables, but rarely took the lives of his victims. He also tended to overlook those that seemed that they hadn't much to pilfer, preferring the deeper pockets of the wealthy.It was perhaps his greatest fortune that he should cross paths with a fellow Keeper that made some pains to temper his greed. Years in each other's company couldn't prepare Lho'a for his inevitable stand off with the Captain of the Steelgrin Sirens, a prominent mercenary company. Lho'a always had a keen sense for a bargain and after some brief banter, he would find himself employed with the mercenary company he'd attempted to rob, dragging his companion and lover along with him.

TLDR: Born and raised in the Black Shroud, former poacher and fur trader. Primarily targeted the wealthy to steal from and was eventually hired by a mercenary company called the Steelgrin Sirens.


  • Traveled the shadowed paths of the Black Shroud? It's possible you've had a run-in with Lho'a. Though he would have been wearing a mask, you might be able to recognize him by his voice, or more likely Lho'a might recognize you.

  • Are you a Wood Wailer? He (probably) definitely recognizes you.

  • Have a coin purse in display? A bulging bag hanging off your shoulder with something valuable within? A scroll of some importance tucked into your belt? Lho'a has sticky fingers and he isn't above a quick pinch if he thinks he can get away with it. [I am willing to discuss the outcome ahead of time OOCly or do a /random to determine if he gets caught!]

  • Have an idea? Hit me up!


  • Cheats at dice and cards

  • Decent at juggling

  • A master of slight of hand

  • Some mad brow game

  • More to come as I think of them!

Out of Character

I separate IC and OOC. I am not my character and my character's thoughts, speech, and actions are not a reflection of who and what I am out-of-character.I believe in OOC communication if there is something that either party does not understand. If you need for me to clarify something, please don't hesitate to whisper me and ask!I have and will refuse to acknowledge any in-character godmoding or out-of-character harassment. I welcome any interaction in-character, be it pleasant or otherwise, lighter or darker themes. I do not consent to any harm done to my character without prior communication and permission given beforehand. I will always obtain consent before any attempt to harm another's character.I am only comfortable roleplaying this character with players that are 21+. If you are not above the age of 21, please do not engage in RP with me. I am 30+ and I do not feel comfortable roleplaying with minors.I am LGBTQIA+ and LGBTQIA+ friendly.

This carrd is a work in progress! Some things are subject to change, get moved around, or be replaced entirely!

Walk ups and tells welcome!